Select Zoning Commission 9/22/22 Round Table on 22-RT1
By Phone: Call (202) 727-0789 or (202) 727-5471
The Comprehensive Plan, amended in May 2021, states the following requirements for racial equity analysis:
Throughout the Comprehensive Plan elements, the term “racial equity lens” is used for activities ranging from preparing small area plans to evaluating development decisions. The intent is for District agencies to develop processes and tools tailored to various programs, activities, and decisions, that center and account for the needs of residents of color, to achieve these outcomes:
• Identify and consider past and current systemic racial inequities;
• Identify who benefits or is burdened from a decision;
• Disaggregate data by race, and analyze data considering different impacts and outcomes by race; and
• Evaluate the program, activity or decisions to identify measures, such as policies, plans, or requirements, that reduce systemic racial inequities, eliminate race as a predictor of results, and promote equitable development outcomes.
2501.7 Action: IM-1.1.B Equity Tools for District Agencies, including the Zoning Commission
Prepare and implement tools, including training, to assist District agencies in evaluating and implementing the Comprehensive Plan’s policies and actions through an equity, particularly a racial equity lens. This includes tools to use as part of the development review process, preparation of plans, zoning code updates, and preparation of the capital improvement program, that considers how to apply an equity analysis in these processes, including any information needed. This shall specifically include a process for the Zoning Commission to evaluate all actions through a racial equity lens as part of its Comprehensive Plan consistency analysis.
And defines racial equity as follows:
The District must also commit to normalizing conversations about race and operationalizing strategies for advancing racial equity. Racial equity is defined as the moment when “race can no longer be used to predict life outcomes and outcomes for all groups are improved.” 213.8
“213.9 As an outcome, the District achieves racial equity when race no longer determines one’s socioeconomic outcomes; when everyone has what they need to thrive, no matter where they live or their socioeconomic status; and when racial divides no longer exist between people of color and their white counterparts. As a process, we apply a racial equity lens when those most impacted by structural racism are meaningfully involved in the creation and implementation of the institutional policies and practices that impact their lives, particularly people of color. Applying this lens also reflects the targeted support to communities of color through policies and programs that are aimed at centering – focusing on their needs and barriers to participate and make informed decisions – and eliminating racial divides, all while taking into account historical trauma and racism. 213.9 - DC Comprehensive Plan Framework Element
For more information please contact Paul Johnson at [email protected] or (202) 320-0475.